28 junio 2006

CIVIL WAR: tortilla caliente vs. tortilla fría

Diferencias insalvables. Tú eliges.

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Mundos morirán, mundos vivirán, y nada volverá a ser lo mismo.


7 Cosas al respecto:

At 28 junio, 2006 12:12, Blogger Unknown dijo...

Tortillaza calentica, por supuesto...(lo siento somber, jur jur) ;)

At 28 junio, 2006 12:19, Blogger EstifenJouquins dijo...

Tortilla caliente, pandilla de degenerados. No se me ocurre otra manera. ¿Acaso somos primates?

At 28 junio, 2006 13:16, Blogger Ñbrevu dijo...

No, no, no, NO. Si sobra tortilla, la única causa debe ser falta de hambre (que debe ser subsanada como sea).

No es que la tortilla fría esté mala. Es que, pudiéndola comer recién hecha, dejarla enfriarse es un crimen. ¿Se comerían ustedes una fabada o unos callos recién sacados del congelador? ¿A que no (al menos, hasta que a Ferrán Adriá se le ocurra)? Pues eso.

At 28 junio, 2006 13:26, Blogger Saimon dijo...

Lo principal es que no esté seca. Lo suyo sería templadita, media horita después de hacerla, pero desde luego recién sacada de la nevera después de un día no, no no y no.

Si tengo que escoger i'm with hot tortilla hombrepodiox

At 28 junio, 2006 17:04, Anonymous Anónimo dijo...

reniego de las tortillas y reniego de todo.

At 28 junio, 2006 22:10, Anonymous Anónimo dijo...

Tortilla fria o caliente, pero hoy sera FRANCESA al estilo ZIZU.

At 29 enero, 2007 15:52, Anonymous Anónimo dijo...

Un viajero en el tiempo da sus prediciones sobre el Futuro de Mexico:
"The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, until we resemble ancient Rome a little more - a kind of Patrician class and a bunch of Plebs underneath. There will still be a middle class, but it will be very marginalized.

Mexico will undergo a major internal conflict, but people will refuse to call it a civil war. Despite this, the Mexican Populist movement, fed up with the government's inability to serve the people, will hold its own election in the northwest region and appoint its own leaders - a parliament and a prime minister. They recruit soldiers, and defend their own borders. No other government will recognize them, and the Mexican government calls them a cult, saying they worship Satan. So the fight, which begins in the mid 2010s, lasts until the early 2020s. It's reported as a police action around the world, and the Populists are labeled unconstitutional rebels. The populists themselves, however, claim that they are the only legitimate government. In the 2020s Mexico undergoes a regular election, but invites the UK, Ireland, and Germany to oversee the elections, due to fear of rebel tampering. The three European nations oversee it, but to everyone's surprise Lupe Ortega, leader of rebel forces, wins the presidential election in a write-in. The UK, Ireland, and Germany each do their own recount - four times. Ortega is still the winner. The rebels disband and, in the next election, take the Congress of the Union. So is it a coup? I dunno. I'd like to think so. Is it a new country? Probably. But depends on your definition."



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